Elastic Beanstalk Deployment Automation

We are going to talk about a setup where all you need to do it commit your code and all the rest of the steps from unit tests to deployment can be taken care of by some externally hosted cloud platform that provides continuous integration. In my case, it is going to be Shippable that I am using as a sample but you can use almost anything like TravisCI or codeship, for example.


Here is the setup we will be looking at:



Shippable for commits

We will use shippable for the following:

Login onto shippable and setup your project to be built. It uses webhooks with your repository like GitHub or shippable which are called on every commit. You can create a shippable.yml file in your project which will be called on every commit. If you have used docker before, it might look familiar because they invoke a docker script to run the script within shippable.yml

Here is one of my sample files from the project that powers this blog:

language: python

  - pip install Pygments 

  - git config --global push.default matching
  - mkdir -p themes
  - git clone git@github.com:abhi1010/abhi1010.github.io.git
  - cd themes
  - git clone https://github.com/abhi1010/hyde-a.git
  - cd ../

  - hugo -d abhi1010.github.io/

  - echo `pwd`
  - export NOW_HOUR=$(date +%d-%b-%H_%M) 
  - git config --global user.email "abhi.pandey@gmail.com"
  - git config --global user.name "abhi1010"
  - git config --get remote.origin.url
  - git remote set-url origin git@github.com:abhi1010.github.io.git
  - cd abhi1010.github.io
  - git status -s
  - echo -e "a\n*\nq\n"|git add -i
  - git commit -am 'Automated build from Shippable - '$NOW_HOUR && git push

             - abhi@boun.cr
         on_success: change
         on_failure: always

cache: true

This script does the following tasks:

Once it works, you will see the following on shippable site:

Shippable Build Status

Shippable Build Status

Unit Tests

You may also want to set up unit tests and regression tests as part of your scripts Just do the following then

  -  py.test-3.4 tests/test.py --maxfail=3 -s --full-trace --tb=long --junitxml=../shippable/testresults/pytests.xml

Git Tagging

If the tests pass in scripts only then does shippable go to after_success section. Over there, you might want to tag your source code, so that docker will only pull the tagged and approved commits from shippable, not every commit - which is very important.

Here’s how to do that:

  - git tag -f recon_prod master
  - git push -f --tags


Once you have approved your code commit, it is time to deploy it to docker on beanstalk. I like to keep deployment scripts in another bash script, so that deployment can be done in various other ways as well, if needed.

  - main/scripts/deploy.sh 
  - echo 'CODE DEPLOYED'

Or, you may choose to have the “deployment” script from another project, if you wish. It allows you to separately maintain all the moving parts.

rm -rf cd eb-reconwise
echo 'Deploying New Dockers'
git clone https://github.com/abhi1010/deplyment_project.git
cd deplyment_project/
chmod +x deploy.sh
eb use beanstalk_env_name
echo 'Deployment Complete'


Now first what we need is setting up docker on beanstalk.

  FROM abhi1010/base_docker
  MAINTAINER abhi1010 <codersdigest@gmail.com>
  ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
  ENV WS '/ws'
  ENV CURR_HOME '/root'
  RUN git clone https://github.com/abhi1010/dockerprj.git \
   && . $WS/ve_envs/rwv2/bin/activate \
   && $WS/prj/rw/manage.py collectstatic --noinput
  COPY supervisor-app.conf $WS/
  RUN \
      cp $WS/supervisor-app.conf /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf \
   && chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/nginx

  VOLUME ["/var/shared/", "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled", "/var/log/nginx", "/ws/"]
  CMD ["supervisord", "-n"]

This does the following tasks:

Beanstalk Configuration

Once we have the Dockerfile ready, we need to set up the configuration for beanstalk so that during deployment, other steps can be taken care of as well. Some of the things to keep in mind in beanstalk setup are:


User Accounts

    mode: "000755" 
    owner: root
    group: root
    content: |
      #!/usr/bin/env bash
      echo 'About to Add user gh-user'
      adduser gh-user
      runuser -l gh-user -c 'mkdir ~/.ssh'
      runuser -l gh-user -c 'chmod 700 ~/.ssh'
      runuser -l gh-user -c 'touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
      runuser -l gh-user -c 'chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
      runuser -l gh-user -c 'echo "ssh-rsa r4CBI2cWQohEwBkGw9CcW0vWfnlAcKkrCnsJvwe/+kG5w9J8gJdnNQ8BFB+q+kQ6fWl+1kw7b+8jah5q0nNpOzLbed+Rzse1BoOIjsSXqN/L7AW8y61PVBULcVAVBKCrVy0U5zifv/e6a5+dsUD3WLiD3yXTgPDcZoqQqPYkurCx5ZzxLylKfXfL37k7sz00e+Tu/Y+J9xXdI9j3G5bU9rmIe4SH4mK4BCMRQ6zCHqAzAXZtnmN5U1XR3XrfMtuDLvVgcOlEpXIMl9q2kco0ZCdMkYoSzf3Yj" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'

Pre-installing Packages

    mode: "000755" 
    owner: root
    group: root
    content: |
      #!/usr/bin/env bash 
      yum install -y git

Sharing volumes between docker and EC2

   "AWSEBDockerrunVersion": "1",
  "Volumes": [
      "HostDirectory": "/var/shared",
      "ContainerDirectory": "/var/shared"
  "Ports": [
      "ContainerPort": "80"
   "Logging": "/var/log/"

Folder and files structure

$ (master) tree -a 
|-- .ebextensions
|   |-- 0000_users.config  # setup extra users
|   |-- 0002_packages.config  # install external packages
|   |-- 0004_bash.config  # I like to manage all 
|-- .elasticbeanstalk
|   |-- config.yml  # AWS connection details
|-- .gitignore 
|-- Dockerfile  # Docker instance
|-- Dockerrun.aws.json   # folder sharing
|-- updater.sh  # script to update any code

.elasticbeanstalk folder for aws configs

And that’s it! Once you commit your code, shippable will run the tests, tag your code and finally download this deployment project and deploy it to beanstalk through docker containers.

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