Heap Sort

Heap Sort algo has the following properties:

Let’s look at three versions of Heap Sort and see how they compare against each other. We will also find out what differentiates them from each other.

Testing Notes


As usual the code is available here:




# of Items in Array Time Taken Average for 100 numbers
Random 10 0.013543 0.13543
1K 3.22043 0.322043
1M 4770.14 0.477014
Sorted 10 0.007507 0.07507
1K 0.625425 0.0625425
1M 633.142 0.0633142

# of Items in Array Time Taken Average for 100 numbers
Random 10 0.019352 0.19352
1K 3.86284 0.386284
1M 8914.22 0.891422
Sorted 10 0.011289 0.11289
1K 3.49712 0.349712
1M 6661.45 0.666145

# of Items in Array Time Taken Average for 100 numbers
Random 10 0.016266 0.16266
1K 0.968032 0.0968032
1M 900.004 0.0900004
Sorted 10 0.012845 0.12845
1K 3.08637 0.308637
1M 3839.23 0.383923

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